Saturday, June 23, 2007

Dear YOU, thanx again for our loooooonggg conversation last night. You're definitely a God-sent cuddly angel with big warm heart & soul...Thank you for all the valuable insights & advice you've given me...I'll always cherish you for that, thanks Tiger ;)...

Getting ready for a quick dinner w/ A FRIEND....I have to finish up this article that I have been trying to write....deadline is TUESDAY!!!!!

I went out with J to this small cozy restaurant at the corner of that street…stayed there for more than five hours. We laughed...and laughed…and laughed…then I paused…and realized…gosh, when was the last time I had sweet hard-candy laughs like tonight?!? I should stop taking myself too seriously…stop being a perfectionist...and start enjoying those little precious beautiful moments that life has offered me…never forget to count my blessings…yes, I've been blessed with so many beautiful things in life...loving & living…Life is beautiful…have I told you how much I love to laugh?!? truly a beautiful gift, isn't it?!