Tuesday, June 26, 2007


T is such a good friend, she has not changed since last week fiasco...mucho kewl gal!!!

Now for those two - they still act sooo buddy2 with each others...it is so sickening....he...he...especially she (F) had (in the numerous occasions) complained and threw bitch fit about the other (C)....but now...it is all changed all of a sudden....it is so fake it will make your tummy sick! I heard (F) spoke on the phone about how funny (C) is...blah...blah..blah how much she loves her...YUCK.....!!!

Their fakery is revealing more and more....each day......

OH - the funny part about it...the DUDE has yet to confront me...he.he...according to my true friends here, he knows better...he doesn't want his ass to be chewed by me...bcuz I will tell him off about his petty, paranoia a**......

And this morning, he made sure to speak with me, he said hello down the hall and tried to threw in some dumb remarks....I was like yeah whatever...

HE is trying to speak with me, that means he knows he ain't got no basis what-so-ever, yet the two biatchs are still can't get over it....

Whatever...like the VP said, considered the source as far as the two are concerned...LMAO!!!