Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Mirror - mirror on the wall
I don't understand y ppl see the need to b mean and attack other ppl just to make ya’ll selves feel this how the world brought us up? Y ppl just a bunch of back-stabbing, paranoia biatches….is there a need to be that way…..

Pseudo ppl make me feel sick sick sick sick sick sick

The F-chicka…she was paranoia biatch, this is the second time, everything revolves around her…ha…ha..she thinks R- the HR is against her now cuz of me….whatever….lemme tell you smtg dumb-f chick….R has his own brain……in case you don’t know that….ha…ha…
The last time was the VP, just bcz he didn't say hello to her that morning she got all bend out of shape...geez....XANAX....maybe that will cure your paranoia-ass.