Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 30, 2008

It's finally Friday!!!!!!!!!!
It's been a really really tough week.
I've been flat out at work and stress/sleep deprivation is taking its toll on me.

My bdae is coming up...I received a surprise text msg from my kewl bro R - from my old job in ATL....thank you for remembering!!!

Another surprise a bouquet of purpley flowers ;)

Celebrating early bdae with friends at Kim Son, then Cafe Express.....the ambiance is unique and the food is memorable.....dining is informal yet sophisticated.
Then continuing to chick flick: Sex in the City....

May 31, 2008

One more day before I am a year old....
It's J Graduation Day....J is Tam's oldest son...friends n fam gathering with BBQ briskets, salad, potato salad, desert and drinks.....
My phone is ringing and ringing...and emails flowing in wishing me a happy bdae....thanx everyone especially all my bros, sis-in-law, niece and us guys!!!!
And as I ended this month of May, I want to share the Holy Scripture: Philippians 4: 19
And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

June 1, 2008

It's JUNE and itz my bdae! We are in the middle of 2008 already. Who would've thought that time goes by this quickly.

Church and then Escalante Mex Rest.....with Mojito, Fajitas and Nachos.........

I have an excellent bdae especially someone very dear to me surprises me ;)

On a random note:

I like this I and the Village, 1911 - oil on canvas painting by Marc Chagall

Monday, May 26, 2008

China Earthquake....the latest official figures are more than 65,000 people dead.

Memorial Day weekend.....

Honoring those who died for our freedom.....

I am preparing for the get-away....

Sunday, May 18, 2008

La prochaine fois, peut-etre elle decidera de rester un peu plus longtemps.....

NOV 2008...changes will be happened...another turning point in my life...GOD is wonderful, He is awesome....everything works out for the best!!! For His glory and purpose
everybody needs to belong somewhere
life can feel so alone without someone who cares
and when life becomes something just to get through
that's when i'm glad that i belong to you
i belong to you i belong to you
you're the one who will never let me down
won't let me down
i belong to you
sometimes life brings more pain than we can bear alone
when hope is gone and i have no strength to stand on my own
when nothing helps there's nothing that i can do
you surround me and show me i belong to you
when love is gone, there's no arms to run to anymore
i'm all alone there's no one for me to live
for letting go of the things i've always clung to
that's when i need to feel that i belong to you
you are the one Lord!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Monday will be the day!...
I will find out a bit more about my future assignment......

Last week, we had all department meeting for our discipline....yeah big stuff...what a pleasant surprised when the Function MGR...called me out in the middle of the meeting providing me with a recognition and award for my "excellent" performance in data collecting for 6sigma...I didn't expect was soo nice...and he was sure to say it out loud that he would do anything to keep ppl in his group....I turned around and looked at my boss and he looked at me...I knew it would be difficult for me to leave the department now going to a different one with my boss...but there is nothing impossible in the hands of GOD!!!

The big meeting was over...I went back to my desk, sat down and opened the envelope and another pleasant surprise....I was given MONETARY award quite substantial amount....I started emailing the Function MGR thanking him for his kind reward...thanking the LORD, praising HIM along the way....I felt so blessed by HIS grace....

When I was first called to do this data collecting 6sigma stuff, I was so afraid bcz my background in 6sigma ain't much...but I have HIM...I prayed and stood firm in HIS promise...and look where HE took me...I won't take any of the is all of HIM none of could anyone doubt the power of HIS mighty hands and HIS LOVE???

HE has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our GOD. Many will see what HE has done and be astounded. They will put their trust in the LORD.
Psalm 40:3
I know whatever the is HIS will, I will obey for HE is my father who loves me.... :))

Friday, May 09, 2008

This week is a busy week….my boss is in Montreal….

Lebanese civil war
Estimates of the death tool from Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar soared past 100,000 and the junta is taking the aids intended for victims.....

:( :( :(
Sunday is Mother’s Day…and VN-Gal is super sweet, she invited me to join her fam for Mother’s Day…what she wrote really touching…she said she knew the Mother’s Day celebration won’t replace the fact that my mother is no longer here…but she wanted me to celebrate it with her fam……super sweet…..

Saturday, May 03, 2008


BUSY preparation last is all about family, good friends and food..........

Speaking of friends...I am so blessed w/ real friends...where we always there for each other......even when we are busy w/ our own schedule.....

BUT some friends are not so real...take an example of this gal where I used to work in ATL.....we were really close then........we went out to lunch almost daily, she was one gal that I trusted....then when I moved away....I had made several attempts to keep in touch...writing emails.....etc...but she on the other hand...never made these attempts..........I had to be the I just quit contacting her....period...oh gain a friend you lose one :)

Good riddance for all those fakeys....ha..ha

Thursday, May 01, 2008

God is amazing....when I first heard the news about Aussie opportunity in Darwin....I started to do my research and found out that Darwin is rather a small town....

I was then uneasy bcz after all I am a city gal...loveeeee the crowds....the big Malls..etc...LOL!!!

And of course I started bros, sis-in-law and kiddos, they too started praying for me.....

This morning...ehmmmmmmmmm found out that I will be located in the Brisbane not Darwin...Brisbane is the 3rd largest city in Australia after Sydney and Melbourne....WOW...what'z up w/ the sudden change.....

Then my boss started talking about the time frame for this new assignment ...surprisingly...LORD...oh is such a perfect timing towards the end of my APT lease here.........another WOW!!!

My boss then asked to write the PROs and CONs about this new I decided to do so..........

> Exciting opportunity
> I work very well with my boss (a wonderful, respectable man)
> Exciting place
> Closer to fam, NIECE and NEPHEW (definitely :) !!!
> Relocation Package will include traveling back to the U.S.A
> I am paid perdiem, etc...more DINERO definitely!

> Not Houston :(
> New places, new environment, new job descriptions, new friends
> Culture shock like my past working experience in Singapore
> Leaving the current Industry to an Industry (I am not so familiar with)
> Moving - AGAIN???? ha..ha

Time to get on my knees...and look up to HIM for an answer....
Lord - You have blessed me tremendously.....