Tuesday, April 29, 2008

If it is Your will, I will obey.......

Things are turning upside down this week....

It started getting into accident w/ VN-Gal....bcz of this careless pedestrian decided to cross over last minute...the Taxi in front of the VN-Gal's car had to slam on its brake and VN-Gal had to slam on hers but it was too late....$1800 worth of damage....geez!!!!

Then my boss came back today and he gave me a shocking news...he might be promoted to a different division and moving to Darwin. He would be the super top guy for the whole division. And he told me that he already requested that I would be transferring with him and hope that I would accept the assignment.....OMG...is this means that I would move to Darwin???????

I have no answer at this time....but I know fo'sure I am going to my little corner and seeking HIS guidance...HE would not fail or forsake me...His love endureth forever..... :)

All my bros, sis-in-law, niece n' nephew....of course are excited....Darwin - Sydney journey is now in their mind....

I trust the LORD!!!