Thursday, August 02, 2007

I have been extremely blessed with a good health! God is good! There are several folks at work either themselves or their spouses are not feeling well....

One of the chicka (YOU GUYS KNOW WHO!)...she is having her cervix operation I heard....anyway....with all the things going on w her health...she is putting too much effort in being paranoia about work and who said what in this place and who did what.......I am still staying away from her and intending to continue doing so...however, I did say a prayer for her and her health...after all she has a 9 yr old little boy who needs her....

I also prayed for L's wife who had to go to the hospital this morning w/ heart-attack symptoms...but we heard that she is alright might be just being too stressful!

My dad passed away of a heart attack....he was there and he was gone swiftly...that's why I am intending to take care of my body the very best I possibly could....after all this body belongs to the Lord....!!

One more day before the weekend......

My plan for this weekend? Korean BBQ... :) :) :) - BTW this picture was taken on OUR Korean dinner last month.....this weekend will be the repeat or NOT...I am craving some sushi too......okay everyone stay bless!!!!!

OH I am so sorry - so sorry... :( guys I know you have been trying to get in touch with me and I have been sorta has been very hectic for me....yeah no excuse still, I must admit...I intend to catch up with everyone this weekend...thanks C for the nice msg...and M for your email...and L for the patience and never ending encouragement.....F for always there for moi! T - you are such a good friend to me....S...I am here for you too...!!! and last but not least VN-Gal....who has been there for me through thick and thin ;)......