Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Flying home to HOUSTON, TX!!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

You know how I feel about you..........I don't have to say it again and again, do I?

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The TRUTH is everlasting!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

WORK - WORK - WORK!!!!! It is that time of the month (LOL)!!! I am preparing these reports a bit early bcz of the Labor day weekend next I won't be blogging much until all my work is done - :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mike Gayle - a British author and freelance journalist

LOVEEEEE reading his books!!!

You are DEFINITELY the apple of my eye....

Monday, August 20, 2007

WEEKEND came and left quickly! It's Monday again!
I had a wonderful weekend...hanging out w/ kewl friends......we tapped into our inner visiting a museum......and after that we had a great meal - I made a homemade crab quiche.....over a great white wine....discussing about everything and anything ;)


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Could there be a different ending
To the same old story
Cause you're not the first to say
You're gonna be there for me
I need to know what's in your heart
Can you finish what you start
How can I be sure I won't be sorry

If heartaches and tears and shadows of doubt
Are part of the deal, you can count me out
But if you're talking about a game I can win
You can count me in

When you tell me you're the one
I've always needed
You don't know how much I'm wanting
To believe it
But I've heard it all before
Now I'm needing something more

A promise is no good if you can't keep it
If heartaches and tears and shadows of doubt
Are part of the deal, you can count me out
But if you're talking about a game I can win
You can count me in

Friday, August 17, 2007

It is an excerpt from how to get rid of TOXIC person in your life....from the Internet:

Toxic people are very dangerous and you need to evict them from your life if you have them. Even if you have that friend that you've know almost "forever" yet this friend is just a bundle of negativity. You may love them but in the end they may need to go. This is very, very important. You are not and should not be obligated to shoulder someone else's negative view of the world. You cannot allow yourself to carry the burden of someone else's unhappiness.
Sometimes we don’t understand God’s way...He works in a mysterious way…and always His timing is perfect according to His greatest glory.

Those two chickas (see my previous entries) – for unknown reason one of ‘em was called in to HR office yesterday afternoon after our monthly staff meeting and she was “laid off”….and the other one was also being told and she totally freaked out….

WOW who would had known about this issue as it happened very quickly? Unfortunately, the one that is left behind had a chance to go back and yapped more about the INJUSTICE….she was too busy bad mouthing and was very angry…so she was told to go home and cool off….the funny part about it one of the person that she was yapping to was the same person who she previously blamed and accused him for concocting a firing of one other employee….and ehm now she conveniently turned to him….or to anybody who would listen to her bad mouthing – bi*ching session.

Then, she passed by my desk just glaring at moi – I was like WTF????? Everyone could hear your bitc*ing and complaining and moaning about your work every time you were asked to do a task….and everyone could pick up her constant negativity….so why are you glaring at me for when things went downhill for you? At the end of the day – we all are being paid to do our job, might not be the job we wanna do but it is a J-O-B, it pays the bills, it provides health insurance…etc… C’est La Vie!!!!!! all the negativity is just going to bring you down….and as for the Receptionist…she even admitted that she had been slacking off…she constantly run her mouth and tried to dodge her responsibilities….

I have no further comment about this issue anymore….this incident should be a wake up call for her and everyone else…I wish all the best for her…I surely do!

Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you for showing me your goodness. Thank you for showing me your favor. I accept your promises for me today and let go of every negative thought. Thank you for your peace today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Last night, I woke up right at midnight and was unable to go right back to sleep….soooo I just let my mind wandered around to enjoy the silence and peaceful hot summer night….

Then, I started to think about my path forward journey....the changes that are going to happen…and I got so excited – full of anticipation…. :)

I also realized a few days ago, I started to wonder about my decisions and goals in life…asking God for guidance….and HE DID!!! Last night I was reminded of HIS grace ….how amazing that is….

His assurance to me that I surely can do all things through HIM!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I had a good yummy lunch-y.... :) I made this awesome baked chicken with veggies...and they were super yummylicious!!!

My niece is an amazing kid...she is a caring and very sensible little girl. She is only 9 yrs old but she is so kind and in tune with reality - she loves to help and her writing ability is amazing. Recently she wrote a psalm in school and she shared it with all of us...her psalm brought tears to almost everyone who read it....her teacher confirmed it to my sis-in-law that she wrote it all alone without any help.....yeah it is all her work....the last I heard that her psalm is going to be publish.....
She likes to reach out to others...she loves to help whenever she sis-in-law wrote me an email to tell me about this incident a couple of days ago...she is in 4th grade and several 3rd and 4th grade students are preparing for a band camp.....there are 7 - 3rd grader kids and they were to share room in 3, so one kid was left niece overheard about the 3rd grader kids discussing about this one kid who kinda left behind without room partners - without hesitant she invited this kid to share room with her and her other 4th grader amazing is that? According to the kid's mom, she totally made her day.....
I am a definitely proud auntie.....

Can't wait to spend time with you sweetie....and of course...I think my nephew is absolutely a cutie in his own mischievous way ;)....miss 'em both!!!
Prayer For Today

Father, thank you for your favor on my life today. Thank you for guiding me and reminding me of your presence in everything I do. Give me strength and peace today so that I can live in your victory today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Monday, August 13, 2007

I've learned that, regardless of your relationship with your parents,you'll miss them when they're gone from your life..........

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thank you for the wonderful dinner on Fri night! ;)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Summer's best meteor shower is here!!!! According to the display of dozens of shooting stars each hour will be expected to be great.....

I can't wait...can't wait.........
Heavenly Father I do praise You today…
You have shown me great wisdom and guided my path…
You have taken from me my deepest pain….You are always near…
You are always there to help me through…I give You thanks….

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Heavenly Father, thank you for your promise to complete what you’ve started in my life. Thank you for your faithfulness and for showing me your goodness. Give me strength to stand strong so that I can experience your fulfillment in my life today. I love you. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


I have been waiting for the phone call, and the phone rang...more good news for me!!! Everything is moving forward...slowly...but surely....
This is the day....I am standing in this promise of the Lord....
Matt.11:28..Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.(KJV)

Dreaming of my christmas trip.... bro and fam are blessed with such a beautiful place.....

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

VN-Gal hang in there! Yes, ppl do just blab/lie to cover their a**es!!!! It is easier but the sad part of it "that person" doesn't have the capability (*not intelligent enough*) to back up all those lies she started...
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything - Mark Twain

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I am now lookin' forward for my Thanksgiving holiday visit in Houston and Christmas get-a-way to **undisclosed** destination..... ;)
Also, I can't wait for two or three of my buddies to be here.....and for them to experience the coldness of being near winter season w/ me in GA...he...he

Monday, August 06, 2007

I made a tofu - whole wheat veggies pasta salad last night for lunch today...ehmmmmmmmm soooo yummy!

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. James 1:2-3 - (KJV)
Faith - Patience - Wisdom........I am starting this week focusing on the three :)
It was a good weekend after all, short but wonderfully peaceful :)
VN-Gal pleeeeeeeeeazzzzze update your blog!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I have been extremely blessed with a good health! God is good! There are several folks at work either themselves or their spouses are not feeling well....

One of the chicka (YOU GUYS KNOW WHO!)...she is having her cervix operation I heard....anyway....with all the things going on w her health...she is putting too much effort in being paranoia about work and who said what in this place and who did what.......I am still staying away from her and intending to continue doing so...however, I did say a prayer for her and her health...after all she has a 9 yr old little boy who needs her....

I also prayed for L's wife who had to go to the hospital this morning w/ heart-attack symptoms...but we heard that she is alright might be just being too stressful!

My dad passed away of a heart attack....he was there and he was gone swiftly...that's why I am intending to take care of my body the very best I possibly could....after all this body belongs to the Lord....!!

One more day before the weekend......

My plan for this weekend? Korean BBQ... :) :) :) - BTW this picture was taken on OUR Korean dinner last month.....this weekend will be the repeat or NOT...I am craving some sushi too......okay everyone stay bless!!!!!

OH I am so sorry - so sorry... :( guys I know you have been trying to get in touch with me and I have been sorta has been very hectic for me....yeah no excuse still, I must admit...I intend to catch up with everyone this weekend...thanks C for the nice msg...and M for your email...and L for the patience and never ending encouragement.....F for always there for moi! T - you are such a good friend to me....S...I am here for you too...!!! and last but not least VN-Gal....who has been there for me through thick and thin ;)......

On my way home yday...I received a text msg from this HOUSTON guy.....

He had helped me a lot when I had to work overseas for a couple of years (to be closer to my dad)......he said he is gonna be here in ATL for a couple of days (for a business trip)...depending on my schedule and his too...we might try to meet...we shall see - I did promise him a meal and drinks for all his help....

On another note, MY HUN has been extra-extra-extra sweet tday...hmmmmm.... ???!! I am glad...geez...since he has been in a rut-y mood almost all last week!