Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007

No Memorial Day should be without BBQ.....


Thanks T....!!! We motivate each other to keep our weight off and live a healthy life....(exercises...and eat healthy) and once in a while....a cocktail or two here and there ;) !!!!

HEY...grilled tofu (well seasoned w/ rosemary..etc..) is pretty good too....but of courze...the hard tofu not the soft they would not crumble on the grill...n turkey sausages....super yummy...

Get some appetite w/ playing frisbees...............

Jello to cool us off!!!

EHMMMMM I spoke w/ my niece and nephew yday....and the parents too....he...he...we all are planning for this year family Christmas.....we are contemplating after a smashing Christmas and New Year in Sydney............this year we are thinking of..................going to Melbourne!!!!

Melbourne is the state capital of Victoria and Australia's second largest city who has been voted several times as "The World's Most Liveable City"....according to those who had been there....located on Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne is in close proximity to beautiful surf beaches, alpine regions with fantastic ski fields and a number of national parks ranging from sub-tropical to semi desert. The city itself boasts a large multi cultural population which has helped develop a huge range of reasonably priced restaurants with cuisines from throughout the world.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Last! The play was excellently witty...the play was about forgiveness, patience and strengths....and how we gals have to weather the storms of life that come our way.....

I love the theater: FOX...soooo historical......

We walked to Baraonda Italian Cafe enjoy pomegranate margarita, calamari fritti, and rollino (pizza roll with scamorza, goat cheese, cherry tomatoes, arugola).....

The night life in Downtown Atlanta is actually pretty darn kewl....I would not mind to live right in downtown reminded me of Allen Parkway area in Houston....or the Museum District.........

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Tonight 8P!

God Bless America!
Happy Memorial Weekend!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pause and rewind…….pause and rewind….

At this moment…..I am in knee deep in my work and assignments…..GEEZZZ…..

Have you ever felt that time is just moving waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast…????? I feel like it is a recurring event in my life….I found myself wanting to go back in time…or just to freeze it for a little while….I want to be the young and irresponsible Call-Me-Miz-M – I once was…he…he….

Is your life now what you thought it would be? Think back to when you were 20, 18, 15, 10, 5, did you ever imagine when you grow up you would be where you are right now?

One day at a time, praising HIM! :), learning to walk with Him….

HI VN-Gal, do you realize how carefree our life back in U of H??? He….he…good memories :)…

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

2 large eggs
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1 cup flour
3 tablespoons melted butter
1/4 tsp salt
Filling:Thinly sliced Serrano ham (you could also use prosciutto), thinly sliced cantaloupe, cut up brie.Whirr all this up in a blender, pulsing for about 10-15 seconds until combined. Refrigerate and let rest for one hour. This batter makes about 20 or so small 7 inch crepes.

Step 1:
Put a little butter in a small nonstick skillet on medium heat. When warm, ladle about 1 oz of batter into the pan, swirling around (note that the first one always comes out a little funny, so make it and eat it, or toss it). When it’s ready to flip (usually about 30-60 seconds), it will be dry on top and crinkly around the edges. Use a rubber spatula to peek if necessary, when it gets close to being ready to flip it will release from the pan.

Step 2:
Once you flip, the other side will only take about a minute, so put your toppings on half of the crepe, like an omelet.

Step 3:
When done, fold and serve.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Make yourself sooooooooooo happy that when others look at you they become happy too
KENNY ROGERS here and there.....everywhere.....

This sweet gal at work named T….she is my Mexican-lunch buddy….she is very nice and upbeat person to be hanging around with….
All last week she was in Las Vegas for a seminar with one of the District Managers, he happens to look like Kenny Rogers…

So, we all decided to play a prank on her…he…he…we printed out a bunch of K.R’s pics and taped them everywhere on her workstation….we even taped some on her rolodex to those companies that she often call…..we put a pic on her calendar for June, so when she tears up month of May…voila K.R…will greet her w/ a smile…K.R is everywhere….even on her music C.D inside her computer….

We left a voice message with song: Lady….

Not only that we left a love note saying: Dearie, even though our time was short…I can’t get you out of my mine….love, the Gambler….

IGNORANCE, PERVERTED BUBBAS (they are all around) need to stay away!!!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Prayer for Today:

God, I believe You are at work in my life bringing about what You know is best for me. My desire is to be patient as I faithfully await Your answers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

One of the warehouse guys named: D - I do like him as a person but his work attitudes/ethics SUX big time! He was consistently tardy, he could careless about his work, his foremost priority would be partying, even though he has a family to feed....
So after plenty of warnings...ample opportunities to improve - he had to be let go yday.....
And to my surprise, he didn't think he should be fired....he walked around telling people about this UNJUSTICE treatment...and he even tried to tell me that it must have something to do with his is don't blame your bad work ethics on the RACE thing!!!!! And he is one of the free-pizza-complainers (on one of my previous entries)
People just so easily influence by others...there are some out there started to support him...and one even said that the reason the H.R guy (R - who happens to be a very, very caring person) fired him bcz he previously had an argument w/ R's friend, the assembly supervisor: L....I was like that is a real malice accusation! Sad...sad...

I mean silly is that...we are not in the high school NO more! And please for someone to be a General Manager Human Resources - no matter how jacked up as he/she might be...would definitely know better not to pull that kinda crap...geez...does this person reeeeeeaally, really think that R is that stupid?

It is soooo easy to criticize others....without inspecting yourself....!!! These are the people who do not know what true joy is...who always discontent no matter how much they have...who always murmuring and complaining about something, who expect hand-out of others...who have worries and fears in their life, who always find the fault of others.....

REMEMBER that it is NOT the end when things do not go your way..introspect yourself...and improve...also...always make the best of whatever situation you are in!!!

A little more gratitude....instead of murmuring and complaining all the time.....keep a right attitude and not allow bitterness or resentment to take hold............

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Have yawl tasted or heard of Durian fruit? Durian is a thorny fruit with a really strong taste and smell…..
The fruit grows in Southeast Asia…and is popular with the Asians….they created durian cake, ice cream, porridge…etc…as well as eating the fruit itself….

I tried it and I really don’t care for it…bcz…of the weird after taste that lingers on even long after you eat it…..

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


French: Les Aventures de Tintin: The New Zealand filmmaker Peter Jackson has teamed with the Hollywood heavyweight Steven Spielberg to make three Tintin movies, with cutting-edge visual effects to be created by Wellington's Weta Digital.

Tintin is a young Belgian reporter who becomes involved in dangerous cases in which he takes heroic action to save the day.

The Adventures of Tintin: series of Belgian comic books created by Belgian artist HergĂ©, the pen name of Georges Remi (1907–1983). The series is one of the most popular European comics of the 20th century, with translations published in over 50 languages and more than 200 million copies of the books sold to date.

BLISTERING barnacles! I can’t wait….my brothers and I – we were growing up…we loved reading the comics of Tintin.
Call-Me-Miz-M Birthday’s Wish List!

Champagne: Lemme be a happy drunk on my bdae – LMAO!!! I've raised my bar by drinking only French champagne these days. My faves are: Krug & Louis Roederer.

Anything from L'Occitane Green Tea bcuz I love smelling fresh from the shower...

This adorable black top, the Mary Jane style fashion sneaker, a white bag (everyone must have a white bag for the season)!

Cheesecake: plain – delicious!!!

Trip to Provence (a region of southeastern France, located on the Mediterranean Sea adjacent to the Italian border)

And yeah bouquet of flowers….

Last but not least……………the very top of my wish list…..a killer job to bring me back to Houston, TX….YEEEEEEEEHAWWWW!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I never meant to hurt him.

It was kinda childish kinda way to get the message through, I admit!

I didn't have to, but I at least he sees that the way I always feel about the drama..... the unnecessary drama!!

Mother's Day.....
moms are special!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

My niece likes pink and purple. She eats, sleeps, breathes, thinks, and speaks pink and purple…….she is sweet, cute, kind and she had a large collection of teddy bears…….

Every time I came to visit her, we would always have this special bond….and she would give me a bunch of hugs & kisses….she also would tell me that she loves me in a completely out of context kinda way :)

Me: What do you want to eat, sweetie?
Her: I love you, auntie.

Me: Come put your shoes on so we can go, hun...hurry....
Her: I love you, auntie.

Me: Do you want milk or o.j?
Her: I love you, auntie.

(P.S...I love you, too!) I miss you and can’t wait to see you again………….SOON!!!
What do you call a friend who is so willingly drive 30 miles each way to pick me I can hang out w/ the kewl crowds?

I was enjoying the evening w/ this one particular "friend".....I like to hang out w/ him at times bcz he's pretty laid back person that I can totally ignore. (I like having friends that can be ignored, you don't have to take care of 'em)....he doesn't demand your attention all the time...we can just enjoy the food and drinks in silence.....without feeling awkward....

And yeah...we are just friends...not more not less...just friends!