Sunday, April 01, 2007

It is year-end inventory audit!!! It has been a very busy 2 weeks....and finally the manufacturing had its audit and everything went rather smoothly on FRI.

Next would be the Sales Dept. audit....GEEZ...a lot of work...I decided to show up to work the Accounting Dept.
We got free breakfast and pizza lunch and there were several people doing the parts inventory and data entry.....and of course most these people received a time and the half....but all I heard were a bunch whiney-as*es who just got to freaking complain about everything and anything...geez...DON'T sign up if you don't want to WORK!!! They complained about everything!!! about work, or even meat on the pizza, that they didn't like the pizzas from this place or that place...blah...blah...blah...just one complaint after another....NEGATIVITY on the rise!!!

UNTHANKFUL hearts...they will never learned to be content in whatever circumstances they are in.....

IF you don't get happy where you will never get to where you want to be!!!!
Ma Babe was trying to occupy his time on Saturday afternoon while I was at work with his family...he said it didn't go so well...his dad refused to speak w/ him but overall, he enjoyed being w/ his nephews and nieces.....

In the evening...we went to OUR mutual babe cooked some yummies...and we all just enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL evening together....

God, I am incredibly blessed! Thank you for all the wonderful thins You have given me. Thank you for having a good plan for my life...I will praise you Jesus' name...AMEN!!!!