Monday, April 23, 2007

A great relationship isn't built in a day. It is built from a continuous work, each day (mundane tasks) of everyone involves…a give and take….sometimes even when you thought things seemed to be getting more settled, something out of nowhere just comes along and causes everything into disarray….

I have been taking on a different role and work with many different people. It kind of freaks me out and a ‘lil awkward at first….as I gradually realize that change is inevitable and I am to follow HIS will.

I am reaching out to this gal….J (initial has been changed to protect her privacy), she is a beautiful, smart, professional gal, she was a mixed Asian…so she really looks exotically beautiful…..she had a really bad break up about 2 months ago and she was devastated, so devastated…you could just see it in her, it shattered everything….I tried to ignore it trying not to get involved…but something inside me kept telling me to talk to her….so I did! I have been through 2 serious break-ups….and I told her about how I get through it…one day at the time and time will heals all wounds…being around people who you can trust, your real friends help (THX VN-GAL, C, Sis L, D, TAM, CAR, W)…I told her that not to let that DUDE to steal your joy and happiness, to do somtg nice for herself, go on nice vacation, enjoy a day in the spa..etc..etc…last night I had a phone call from her…saying that she had herpes from the DUDE! I may tend to complain when things do not go the way I wanted…but you have to COUNT your BLESSINGS everyday…everyday…don’t give up J, don’t give up…it’s easy to give up…but please…don’t…..please don’t….

I will try to be here for you…be a supporter…even when you are down and you think no one cares…God cares…and so do I!!!!!!!!