Thursday, August 24, 2006

Me...and me...

A lil’ about me….my interests and what do I enjoy doing the most lately...

I listen to a wide range of music--from alternative rock to jazz, reggae to chill-out, and world music to anything new and interesting. I enjoy catching foreign movies with my friends. We always watch out for international film festivals. I have a passion for every type of sports. I enjoy hanging out with friends over tea or wine. I love theme parks! I love the rush I get from the hair-raising rides! I am passionate about traveling. Given the time and resources, I hope to travel to as many places possible, discovering new cultures and traditions and meeting new people. My friend and I just discussed about saving up money to go to Vietnam the other day.....I hope we will do it maybe next year....!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I have been keeping this little note written by my mom in 1994.

I spent the whole summer with her. I didn’t take summer classes. And I am glad I didn’t, I had the best time with her. I was able to be with her and spend a whole lot of time catching up. We went to a villa by the mountain for a few days together. I knew then she knows how much she meant to me. Before I left, she wrote me the note. This is what it said:

Parting isn’t a happy time, but neither is it sad. For you have dreams of days to come and thoughts of joys you’ve had. And so with warmest feelings, you are bid a fond farewell and wished more special happiness…than words can ever tell….Please keep in touch…..Love, Mom.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I am just born thin and beautiful......WHATEVER!!!!!

Still writing about the weight issues….I tend to get irritated when I heard people saying…oh I can eat anything and will not gain a pound. Or…I was born thin…, I am just lucky to have high metabolism in my body…etc..etc….I personally think it is a bunch of croc!!! Yeah, some of these might be true when you are in your late teens or twenties…but after you are in your 30’s then your metabolism definitely is slowing down….it is a fact…you can’t not continue to be an oinker….inhaling a bunch of junky lardy food….and expected to keep your size 2!!!. And celebrities who claim that they can eat anything without exercising because they just born “that” way is a bunch of c*&%p!!! They have nutritionist, personal trainer, chef, beauty/image consultant…etc…etc..constantly that would help them look decent for the paparazzi!!!! So don’t even think that we are sooooo gullible to believe them. I used to eat whatever I want yeah…back on my early and late teens, even on my twenties, but I have always been a very active person doing a lot of outdoor activities, sports, exercises..etc…and when I hit 30….even though I am still as active as I was before…..I felt that my metabolism has slowed down. I have to watch what I am eating….to maintain my weight….so there….he…he…!!!!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

GEEZ for Diet Pillzzz!!!

Over the weekend, as I was channel-surfing, I was pretty annoyed and realized that almost every other channel on TV had some kind of weight loss products commercials: diet pills, diet foods, diet programs, exercise machines (w/ the promise of using these machines for only 10 mins a day will solve the person's weight issue)…etc..etc. Geez!! Honestly, it does feel like the society is so obsessed about losing weight and that’s the reason why there are many so many businesses are taking advantage by milking on this obsession. I heard somewhere that according to some report from the Institute of Medicine, ten of million of Americans who are dieting spend more that 33 billion annually to lose weight. WOW!! That’s scarily lotz and lotz of dinero!!! What I really don’t understand why some people do believe that there are magic shortcuts to losing weight…..! Some people think that there are some kinds of new breakthrough pills that will make them skinny fast without making any or much effort at all. Do these people really think that our bodies were designed for that? They should know by now that losing weight sensibly and safely doesn't happen by skipping meals and using dangerous starvation tactics or taking some kind of pills. Losing weight also doesn't come by downing a diet drink/shake. Getting slim and trim doesn't happen by switching from one fad diet to another several times a year. The key of keeping the weight off is by adopting healthy, long term, realistic approach of eating habits (well-balanced meals), along with getting adequate exercise.

Friday, August 04, 2006


I wake up at one and look around my room. A soft light is falling in from the room window, and it is completely still….it’s serene and relaxing. How is it possible to miss a man that I kept him a distance so when he left I won’t miss him.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I am hooked into doing yoga almost everyday now. I started this yogacize since a very close friend of mine gave me a yoga DVD about a month ago. At first, of course all these moves looked easy until I actually tried to do them. Balance and focus are the major elements in yoga exercise that improve the body’s flexibility. I like the breathing exercise too. It really relaxes me and helps me to reduce my stress level after a day of madness at work. Along with yoga, I also started to do pilates…and after about a month of dedication, I must say that my jeans fit me better even though my weight remains the same. I am delighted because it is exactly what I wanna achieve, I don’t want to lose any weight but I just wanna be more flexible and tone. I have always been a very active person….and have been doing exercise (jogging, swimming, cycling, roller-blading, etc.) almost all my life….but running on the treadmill daily has been kinda hard on my knees….now yogacize helps strengthen my knees! YEAY!!