Monday, July 07, 2008

That's what love is all about isn’t it? Appreciating the little things you do for each other. I am blogging about all these not because I want to brag about my situation or cause people who are out of love to feel worse. My intentions are precisely the opposite of that. I want all of you out there, those attached, to open your eyes to see the little things, appreciate what your partner does for you everyday and not take them for granted, that way, maybe you can see clearer, the love you have for each other. For those out of love, never worry, there WILL be someone out there for everyone of us. There will be a right place and a right time for the right thing to happen.

I thought I would be single and enjoying it for a few more months or years, but it seems like someone up there has other (hopefully better) plans for me. I never expected anything in the romance department to happen so soon...bcz I was absolutely happy w/ my life then....

Yes, I'm in love...

People might say these are the sweet beginnings of a new love. I beg to differ. I really appreciate the feeling of being protected, loved and being treated with such respect and kindness. Best of all, the one thing that completes the whole sweet deal, is, he treats my friends with the utmost respect without trying too hard to impress and forcing meaningless conversations on them. Example, my galpal: C celebrated her birthday on Sat, he decided to go with me even though he didn’t know anyone.

I love the way he loves me. It just feels so.. right. Kindness is something that comes to him naturally I would say.....anyway, enough said...I am just a happy gal.