Friday, July 25, 2008

Summer represents for me:
All things bright and cheerful,
Shopping spree - store-hopping
Eating gelati by the roadside,
Al fresco dining
Padding around the house barefoot,
Going to the beach with my friends/my love,
Glowing in a healthy tan,
Sipping strawberry daiquiris,
Lazy afternoon naps on the weekends,
Endless swimming
Receiving summer flowers from my HUN,
Short skirts and colourful shoes,
Blue skies and vivid sunsets,
Waking to the sound of birds
The smell of freshly cut lawn, and
Happy moments with loved ones

Sorry for the lack of updates as I have been so busy w/ work...and others stuff.... We had a small off-site meeting ;) at a sail boat of the Client...boy I had a blast....the food never tasted so good....

I totally luv my GOD, my life, my family, my love, my friends, my work....I am praising YOU, my LORD!!!!

I found out my Cuz went home to be with the LORD 7/20/2008 - the same date 8 yrs ago for my prayers are with the family. Please stay strong, as you did together during this grieving time.