Tuesday, April 29, 2008

If it is Your will, I will obey.......

Things are turning upside down this week....

It started getting into accident w/ VN-Gal....bcz of this careless pedestrian decided to cross over last minute...the Taxi in front of the VN-Gal's car had to slam on its brake and VN-Gal had to slam on hers but it was too late....$1800 worth of damage....geez!!!!

Then my boss came back today and he gave me a shocking news...he might be promoted to a different division and moving to Darwin. He would be the super top guy for the whole division. And he told me that he already requested that I would be transferring with him and hope that I would accept the assignment.....OMG...is this means that I would move to Darwin???????

I have no answer at this time....but I know fo'sure I am going to my little corner and seeking HIS guidance...HE would not fail or forsake me...His love endureth forever..... :)

All my bros, sis-in-law, niece n' nephew....of course are excited....Darwin - Sydney journey is now in their mind....

I trust the LORD!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

All of us have been brainstorming trying to figure out where we all should meet for our annual Christmas and New Year get together this year. At first, we were discussing about meeting up here but then Dubai came up, then Jakarta....but it seems that everything is now unsure....bcz my oldest bro just purchased a very kewl-lux house in Sydney...we all are excited for him and wanted to come over there to enjoy his new home...

Sydney? Oh YESSSSSS!!! I love that city!!!!!

:) :)

Here is the pics of the house my sista-in-law sent using the real estate website....

Beautiful ain't it????

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I just heard from my boss...he has been gone for a week for a business trip in Europe...in the beginning he had managed to keep in touch...then for a few days no news from him, but today he wrote...which is good, I know he is alright.....

The sermon today is about the entire Exodus 3....the Lord called Moses...to lead the nation of Israel out from Egypt.....it is about God's plan for each one of us...when we are doing God's work...unexpectedly God sometimes will call us to do bigger work...will I be ready for that? I would want to be able to say YES LORD.....here I am....

Moses didn't think that he is able to perform the tasks God asked him to do...but he found out with HIM...all things are possible...
I had a wonderful time...having supper....sharing food without asking........chatting freely...laughing at each other...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I thank God everyday for my job....I love it there...love the ppl, love the boss...I am super busy but I do take time each day to praise HIM.....

I am having a little difficulty sleeping at night though....mainly due to mental exhaustion and the thought of all the chores to be done and obligations to be had this week- even simple things that just take up a lot of time.

I spoke to him also.

He told me to take things slowly because the road is long and unpredictable and the worst thing is to lose sight of what type of person I am and what I want to do with my life...And also why I chose to love him in the first place.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hoooola...didja miss moi? I know it has been ages, hasn't it? Sorry peeps...I hate it when life takes me away from yawl....but yeah...yawl know how it is...God, job, old friends, family, weekend activities.......etc..etc..
I'm so exhausted....but so happy to be back...my writing's probably drivel as I have tonz of housework to do before going to bed....so enough about me......how's life been treatin yawl lately?

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Power of a Praying Woman
Lord, I know Your thoughts toward me are of peace,
to give me a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).
I know that You have saved me and called me
with a holy calling, not according to my works,
but according to Your own purpose and grace (2 Timothy 1:9).
Thank You, Holy Spirit, that You are always with me
and will guide me on the path so that I won't lose my way.
Move me into powerful ministry that will impact
the lives of others for Your kingdom and Your glory.
I reach out for Your hand today so I can walk with
You into the future You have for me.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

I have been very busy....
I totally *heart* my Lord and Savior, J.C!!
I totally *heart* my family - my 3 bros, sis-in-lw...and of course my niece and neph.
I totally *heart* my friends...I miss T-n the gang in ATL, but definitely love my friends here.....
I totally *heart* my job...and my boss is super kewl...
I totally *heart* - H-Town.....

Life is good, praise the Lord!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Thanx sooo much for a delish Mediterranean lunch!!!! ;)