Saturday, March 15, 2008

Busy-Bee! .......I had to finish up with all pending open items @ work...and have been working really late every night....thanx VN-Gal...she is also my: "working-late-buddy" we emailed or texted each other for support!!!

Went to S.A River Walk yday - I took a well deserved-day off...

On Another note:
My two Snuggly-Bugs...Niece and Nephew...had asked me a month ago to sign up for Neopets....I obliged of course...

And guess what...I have a pet: KodokMerah....and Oh BOY - this 'lil thing is pretty darn demanding...inspite of my busy schedule, whenever I got home...I had to feed, play, and buy things for this 'lil fella....LMAO! I am hooked into Neopets site now...playing games to earn buy NeoCash..etc..etc..