Saturday, October 28, 2006

Le Mariage?


Et puis voici mon coeur qui ne fat que pour vous

The first verse means "And here is my heart which beats only for you" and the second, "I came, I left"

Je suis venu, je suis parti

Quand?…these days people definitely are asking me when am I going to tie the knot with my special someone…and after the uber-romantic engagement in Paris, my HUNNIE’s 6 months overseas assignment..and my looong and careful thinking afterwards….I don’t think I’m ready for the real deal right now…and not next year…for gawds sake…..!!! I really have a wonderful guy in my life..and we have been together for longer than I bet on…LOL!!!

Yes, it is hard to plan for a future when you are still in a long distance relationship. We used to alternate travel back and forth to be with one another every other weekend….and now I have to be content seeing him every three weeks due to longer distance travel (overseas)…..and like any other long distance relationship…..after a while it can become pretty dry and then…and then…..eyes start to wander around…..temptations creep in…LOL….but at the end of the day….my SWEEEPEA…is still the one who has my heart….I took him for granted sometimes…which was not good!

I wonder if y’all ever feel the same way like I do? Like when someone loves you more than you do…it is too easy to take advantage of that becz you feel oh so wanted….and you are greedy too, you want more than one…yessss…I know…I know….I am soooo crappy for thinking this way!!!!!! And sometimes, I also would put together…the wonderful traits of my 2 exes and my current HUNNIE…and wishing that I can combined them all together…but then…my friend, D would always remind me that…if I successfully do so, then I would have a FRANKENZTEIN…instead of the normal human being……super true…LOL!!!!

My first ex…he was a goodlookin' Denver born Texan 6’2” - 190 lbs and I am just a 5’1 &1/3” 105 lbs gal…he…he!!! He is 5 yrs older than me….

A super kewl, laid back, kind hearted person…and we were together for 13 years!!!! He was my first serious bf…. We were so inseparable…all through my first yucky part time job, all during my UofH campus life, my first real job and when I decided to pursue an MBA degree…he was there all the way!!!

He had helped me through a lot of my crazzzie…rebellious years of my life…LOL…he oh so patiently by my side and helped me to mature up to a betta’ person…..he loved me unconditionally and we had been through a lot with each other…and through all the pain and laughters….we made it, well sorta…kinda…we didn’t get married…and started a family but we are still very close and I can still say that he is my very, very best friend….he knows me more than anyone else in this universe…and he totally adores me….STILL!!! He spoils me tremendously….

He is a very kind and extremely intelligent person, and sensible…..he…is a talented drummer who left his professional office 9-5 career for his own music school teaching a lot of students aged varies from 6 – a 56 yrs old grandma…LOL. Many of our friends and family still think that we should be together…..

If he is a sooooh wonderful then why didn’t we end up together? Well, becuz after years of being together…our relationship changed…to where we love each other (STILL) but not in love with each other….it is a complicated feelings….super complicated…..but we both knows where we stand now and we actually are glad of being able to have each other as best friends…he even helped me to sort out my break up with my 2nd ex…..

Currently our friendship is pure platonic….he is my confidant…..and vicey versi!!! BFF!!

Mr 2nd ex was a super cute 6’ - 175 lbs, a project engineer, 6 months older than me French guy. We met at a huge oil turnkey project….I, at that time had just completed my graduate degree (MBA) and was working in a rig manufacturing company….. he works for the largest French oil company….(still until this day so I heard)!!

It wasn’t love at the first sight…etc…actually, I had just gotten out from my super long term relationship with my first ex…so I wasn’t in any way looking for another relationship….I had it all (so I thought) MBA degree, good paying job, good friends to hang out, and an amicable break up with my first ex….. he...he...

His office was 3 doors down (hey just like a band’s name) from mine….the opposite from the break room….so every morning when I needed that first cup of coffee…I had to pass his office…he would always greet me with a charm-Frenchie cute smile and hello…..!!! N-ewyz…to make the story short….we both started out not looking for a serious relationship……but then one thing led to another….we became serious very fast…too fast I must say…we were together all the time…in the office, outside the office…all the time..even though we both knew that the project would soon end and he would move away from Houston to another project elsewhere…. ….!! I tried to keep the relationship light…but it was extremely hard becuz he was sooo charming….he spoilt me tremendously…we both are into outdoors activities and healthy living….he loved to cook me healthy, exotic food….he made a fresh squeezed orange every morning…he really was treating me like I was a ‘lil spoily brat princess….

When the project ended… his next assignment was Balikpapan, Indonesia…..he would be the head of production department for upstream oil production….he had asked me to move away with him…I didn’t know what to do then, moving away with him would be such a big change especially when we just knew each other for a little less than a year……but not moving with him would means the end of the DREAMY relationship we were having…

He then decided to take me to France to meet his family…and then I learnt about his past…he had this one girl that he grew up with…..she was his childhood girl friend….when he had to take the job in Houston…she didn’t want to move to Houston with him….according to him they had broken up…but that’s not what I heard from his friends and family…..and After that visit, she found out about me of course from his friends and family, she got really upset and decided to come to Houston to pay him a visit….he didn’t want to tell me that she was coming so he lied to me….he told me that he had to go offshore, however, my instinct told me that something wasn’t right at all…he was behaving really strange…..and I then horridly discovered his lies……needless to say we weren’t together despite of his many attempts to rekindle the broken relationship……..!!!

I was pretty broken-hearted and for a year and the half, I refused to be in a serious relationship with anyone…until I met my current HUNNIE (with a graduate engineering degree from a very reputable university and he is attractive looking 6’ - 165 lbs French-Algerian-Caucasians-South Asian all mixed up)…unexpectedly…LOL….

We are the same age… we had a lot in common with each other…..

On lighter note, he was here this weekend and he made me from scratch a dark chocolate fondant…..and it is sooooo yummy!!!!! And he told me that he has started eating a lot of healthy organic fruits and veggies ….he…he…I thought him well!!!!! He said that he would go to the local marke overseas to get different fruits and veggies…..he has been playing housey all weekend….helping me with cleaning, cooking, etc….until Monday…he is leaving back to his assignment overseas then…..I don’t want to spend too much time writing about him………so it is TO BE CONTINUED……..!!