Sunday, October 08, 2006

1. My ex is: in France

2. Maybe I should: be a bit more patience

3. I love: GOD, my family, my friends, my hunnie and yummy FOOD!!

4. I don't understand: Why there are mean-y people out there!!!

5. I lose: my sunglasses often (4 times already in a year!!!)

6. People say I'm a pretty laid back Houston gal!

7. Love is: not meant to be understood

8. Somewhere, someone is: waiting for me to go back to Houston!!!!

9. I will always remember: my purse (cuz it has everything, credit cards, cash, I.D, house keys, hotel keys) I'll DIEEE if I lose it!!

10. Forever is: forever

11. I never want to: be dumb, unloved, unsuccessful, poor and looked down upon!!!

12. I think the current President: uh no comment (I do think you oughta be respectful to the President of the country) questions por favor!

13. When I wake up in the morning: I psyche myself into thinking "YES today is gonna be better than yday!!!!

14. My past has been: VERY COLORFUL.. but its only the lows that make u appreciate ur highs :)

15. I get annoyed when: people look down and are mean to others (REMEMBER: Meany People is totally UNKEWL!!)

16. Parties are for: fun with your girlies, fun with your boys, getting drunk, rowdy, happy, celebrations, smoochin', good music, dirty dancin' with no inhibitions!

17. My dog is: ain't got no dog (I travel too much to have a house pet)

18. My cat is: I definitely prefer dogs than cats!!!!

19. Kisses are the best when: u really luv the person and the person loves you back..oh yesss!!!

20. Tomorrow will be: the time for me to finish up all my pending work before the morning Production Meeting and oh yeah....mi CARINO is also leaving for his overseas assignment
:( tomorrow night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21. I really want: to help others

22. I have low tolerance: in rude people who discriminate (rich/poor, race, upbringing etc...) makes my blood boils!!

23. In public: I am ME and more ME!!!

24. Today: I woke up and drank a Tall Soy Chai Tea and ate an almond biscotti

25. My last dream was about: crunchy and edible keys (HUH???) yes, weird dreams...I think I was over indulged myself over the weekend with tasty food!!

26. I suck at: singing! But I still sing in the shower and when I am w/ my hunnie or around my friends!!!!

27. I'm going to: TRAVEL more and more !!!!!

28. I think war is: (all wars are) killing zone for civilians :( (sad but true!!!)

29. My friends are: a bunch of mixed up, crazy, SUPER KEWL ppl u can't help but LOVE LOVE LOVE to the bottom of ur hearts

30. I want to live: a peaceful, fulfilling life!!

33. My ex-boyfriend thinks I am: a TOTAL SPOILLY brat, a drama queen, a housewife, a cleaner, a cook, crazy fun - party gal all rolled into one...LOL!!!!!

34. It makes me happy when: people are really gorgeous inside and out and radiate their gorgeous personalities