Monday, July 31, 2006

Peace in the Middle East

According to New York Times, the Lebanese Red Cross counted over 27 bodies in the rubble in Qana (a residential apartment building) and estimated the death toll to be around 56. Most of the dead were reportedly children. It saddened me to read the news each morning about the war and the unrest around the world, as we all can agree that most victims of the war would be the innocent people including children. The children did not choose to be born in the midst of all these disasters and they were not able to protect themselves. I have an 8 year old niece and a 6 year-old nephew. And whenever I read the news about dying children, I couldn’t help myself thinking about the two, whom I love oh so dearly. We often take life for granted and fail to be thankful each day, unable to focus on the good things in our life. I wanna take a moment today to be thankful for the circumstances I am in.