Saturday, January 16, 2010

I dreamt about my recently passed uncle - 2 months already since his I just realized I haven't checked on my a aunt n my other uncle n his fam....I woke up n put a note in my head to do that this evening..............

I had a chilaxin' Fri @ home - my home is really sweet home for me....I really do enjoy being here....anyway - last night I was making some gumbo for some the midst of stiring to make the roux...I suddenly have this light bulb that went off in my head - bright idea - not so new....but it'z something I haven't been thinking about for a while now....seeing people living life around me - it makes me wonder where have I been.....wait! I know where I've been in 2009 - "hiding" in that town for work - my 2009 life is consumed by work n renovating the house...however 'tis year it'z gonna be different...I'll take time for myself - just having those alone "me" time to read a book. Yes, reading - not listening to an audio book or surfing the net....

I will of course - travel more...........