Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dear Hunney,

Nothing touch my heart more than having you kneel down with me daily to pray....n on your quiet moment w/ Father GOD each day...I heard my name is mentioned in your prayer...........A GOD feared man - is more precious than GOLD n SILVER....n gold n silver are reaaaaaaaaaaally expensive now-a-dayz...since the value of USD is sinking u r more precious than all those :) Thank you for having such high endurance, for being there, for all the lunch meals you've never failed to make every weekend, for being so understanding, and for always not giving up when the going gets tough. I know I am sometimes hard to handle, but you know I really cherish every bit of effort you've put in to compromise and deal with me. Whaddaya know, we aren't so bad after all. :)N most of all - with autumn already in full swing - thank you sooh much for watching my fave cartoon (repeatedly on the yearly basis): It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown , w/ me tirelessly - can't wait for the next Fall to watch it again w/ you.... ;)
"Chill" has been my favourite word all these while BUT, it has been particularly HOTTER these days. I use this word almost everyday now. On Wed when work was pretty tough...I told myself to chill....yesterday after work arriving back in H-town for the weekend I decided to chill, right now n tmorw......I feel like chillaxin' doin' nuthin' I becoming a boring person or what?..HEEEELPP....LOL!!
To G, I learnt this week that to err or have erred is only human. But sometimes when you make mistakes, you can never turn back again. Even if you tried hard enough, they'd never be the same again. Scary innit? Sigh...welcome to reality........

Friday, October 23, 2009

Lately, dunno why but almost everyday...I have been receiving news that pains the heart..........
I can to the extreme feel how they felt.............
To dear CSP who just lost her dad last Friday....I'm really, really sorry to thoughts n prayers r w you n fam.....your dad was a fighter...he has been fighting really hard all these while....I know he is in good hands now....may he rest in peace....
I want to share 2 Timothy 4:7 - when I thought about your dad.....
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith

to Hun's mom
to VNGal's dad....
to KL's dad....
to my neighbor's husband,
to my uncle....
to LH's grandma,
to my neighbour's husband
I'm praying for a speedy recovery....and hope they fight with all their might
I would love to see them get well :)

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Friday, October 02, 2009

Things that are reallieeeeeeeee starting to tick me off big time:
1. Last minute decisions....

2. Telling me things only at the last possible second........

3. Unthoughtfulness - Having me to point things out to your face before you actualli get the big picture....

LOL..but I know, I know Babe - you put up w/ my crazieeeeeeness a whole lotz as'z a part of life and growing together.....

WE made it! Congratulations to us both!!! Muaks....XOXOXO