Sunday, March 22, 2009

I have nothing to write here :(

Went to my friend's studio to play piano...itz been a while but I love it....playing piano calms me tremendously...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

To answer - VIV questions about the top 5:

For me...

Same belief - who loves J.C
Laid back n the one who could take my crap (n my anger problm at times..LOL)
Yeah no whine-y person - I m the only one who is allow to whine...
Someone who spoils me
Someone who is kind others...and genuine...can't stand egotistical fakes...


There u got my answer VIV...letz tag VN Gal...answer us VN Gal...

Broken Cellph - n anger management?

I broke my cellph...I have had that ph since 2005 and it has followed me everywhere around the world....don't ask me plz how I broke it - I m jest gonna come out n say it: it has to do w me getting really, really, really pissed off, I took all my emotion/anger at the poor little ph...I threw it (in the carpet) soooo hard that it is literally broke into two...I took the SIM card out and realized all the 200 ph numbers I got was actually saved on the phone not on the SIM...the reason why is becz when traveling, I often would purchase the country "on the go-SIM" and use the local number (cheaper than the $2.99/min Cing or ATT charges). If I saved on my SIM then I would not be able to obtain those numbers and if I saved on both then they would appear twice on my phonebook....

What to do w all the numbers stored inside the broken ph. not to mention all the sweet text msgs I saved of my hun and pix I took during my patience ever-loving hun actually taped it together for me and it phone has gone through some MAJOR operation...LMAO...

Then the sweet VN - Gal...n BFF V-Boo actually offered me their old phones...thank yawl for handling the crisis situation of no-cell-ph-available = craziness....

Moral of the story...if you get angry threw something on the floor that isn't breakable LMAO.....

Friday, March 06, 2009

Been away - too wrap up on much fun...I found old friends...we are too busy pokin' each others and writin' on the wall LMAO!!!!